Recap of Public Meeting #2
Held December 2nd to December 23rd, 2020
Building on the first meeting, this second meeting featured four video presentations followed by our Community Preference Survey.
Part 1: Video Presentations
Presentation #1 of 4
Introduction and Recap
In this video, we overview of our second virtual public meeting and share what we learned during the first meeting that wrapped up November 11th. The end of the presentation covers this meeting’s public input activity: the Community Preference Survey.
Presentation #2 of 4
Transportation Improvements in the SR 140 Corridor
This presentation focuses on the planned improvements to State Route 140, including design details, timing and costs. The presentation document can be found at this LINK .
Presentation #3 of 4
Public Facilities in Hickory Flat
Planned enhancements to area parks and recreation opportunities, libraries and schools are discussed here. The City of Holly Springs also discussed their current focus on development near their downtown core.
Presentation #4 of 4
Market Study-Part 2
Gary Mongeon with Bleakly Advisory Group is back to share the second portion of the Market Study for Hickory Flat.
Part 2: Activities
Community Preference Survey
This survey presented images for participants to make a quick determination on whether or not what is shown is suitable for Hickory Flat.
There were seven sections for topics such as trails and restaurants. Under each section were groups of four images each. The selection and placement of these images was random so there were no patterns or “right” answers. This exercise allows us to better understand the specific types of buildings, activities and land uses that we’ve heard mentioned previously.
Results of the activity can be found HERE.